Cat & Vac
Personal projects are a great way to explore new ideas and skillsets. Or, maybe just a way for me to work on more projects about cats.
Cat & Vac is an animated series I created. It’s a modern “cat and mouse” story about a cat and a robot vacuum (sort of) co-existing in the same space.
I’ve had the pleasure of teaming up with some amazing animators to bring these mini stories to life. Paired with the catchy theme song and sound design by The Chicken, these mini episodes are 30 seconds of pure fun.
You can stay up to date and learn more at Cat & Vac.
Credits :
Creator : Hannah Churn
Animators : Todd Churn, Tom Mathieson
Storyboards : Hannah Churn
Music & Sound Design : The Chicken
Behind The Scenes
Each episode starts off as (very) rough storyboards. This is my favorite part. Working out the layout and how to tell the story. I first thumbnail out the concept, then do a second pass with more solid drawings to help with the animation
Since each episode I’m working with a character animator, it’s important to have character reference.
Animatics are such a powerful step when it comes to creating a video. It allows you to figure out timing and convey it in an easy to understand format.
This was the animatic for EP 02 Bathroom Break.
One thing I’ve really enjoyed with creating these episodes is the freedom to try out new processes and software. When doing a personal project, you are your own client so there can be less limitation on some aspects.
This animatic I created in Procreate Dreams, which had been on my list to try out for awhile.
This series is very much inspired by my large and in charge cat Milo and our robot vacuum. I’ve felt our vacuum on it’s own is it’s own character. It has locked it’s own self in our bathroom, torn up papers left on the floor and always seems to want attention by it’s beep that it’s stuck. Seeing them together helped hatched the original concept. Milo sadly passed away in 2020.